I actually bought the full version..
I kept trying to find a hacked one but I just couldn't so I gave in. The actual price is $14 since it's $20 AUS but in my opinion it was still $4 overpriced.
Anyways besides that it was a great game. I went full int and was able to defeat the last boss by lvl 50 (he was lvl 75). The last fight was nearly impossible, really.
I think I found many things about it that I could have changed but what mainly bugged me is that there is no freaking way in hell you could beat this game in less than 10 hours if you go any other route besides full int. It's just very difficult to level up. Takes forever once you get to the higher levels so essentially most of the "playing time" is really leveling up boring time so you can afford (and equip) the lvl 50-75 stuff so that the final boss doesn't kill you in one hit, 1000-2000 damage X(
Otherwise I would have given it a 9/10 (the graphics weren't really that great) and also everything the second review below me said is true. Gotta fix those things as well.